Meet Toula Poulopoulos, the Greek expert in marijuana in West Hollywood!
Toula Poulopoulos is a Greek-American who sells medical marijuana in West Hollywood and is an expert in it.
Toula Poulopoulos the early days, family, and childhood
The Chicago native Toula was born on 15 October 1977 in Addison, Illinois. She has American nationality and Greek ethnicity. Her family is old-fashioned and Toula said she was scared to tell them what work she is doing in West Hollywood. Toula said:
“They were so strict… My parents hated it. When they caught me smoking, they threatened to take me to rehab,”

But there was a change in them when she used marijuana on her sister who was diagnosed with cancer and went into remission. It is not known what her educational background is but she came to LA to enter the world of fashion designing but ended up with a career in marijuana dispensing and now is an expert in it. Recalling it, Toula said:
“I came to LA to do children’s fashion. From that and into this business is such a huge difference,”
Toula Poulopoulos and her career
Dr. Dina, the founder of Alternative Herbal Health Services ( AHHSWEHO) invited Toula to join her in the marijuana business. The facility started in 2004 and is officially allowed to dispense marijuana for medical and adult-use in the city of West Hollywood.
It is one of the four of its kind in Hollywood. Dr. Dina is a strong advocate of mainstreaming medical marijuana and is loved by Hollywood celebrities. She is not an actual doctor but Snoop Dogg gave her this name years back and it has stuck with her.

Also, read: NFL player Joe Montana has invested big in the giant marijuana company, Caliva! What could be the reason?
Toula is the store manager at this facility. She is happy with her job. She said:
“I am so happy for what I do for a living… I realized that what I loved to do is helping people that are in pain,”
People from outside the state visit the center to purchase Cannabidiol (CBD), a naturally-occurring compound found in the resinous flower of cannabis, to help themselves or relatives who have cancer. Toula opines:
“This beautiful flower has so much medical use, nobody even understands yet,”
Patients with AIDS/HIV, cancer, glaucoma, CP, multiple sclerosis, and scleroderma also seek treatment from her. People with chronic pain, nausea, anxiety, Seizure Disorder Insomnia, autism, eating disorders, skin disorders, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, and Crohn’s Disease also are her customers.
Toula Poulopoulos treats her sister and her mother
Toula has also managed to help her sister who had cancer. She said:
“Her cancer is in remission for the last three years and she now has a little baby,”
She added:
“This is when my parents found out what I am doing for a living. I sell marijuana. I made my parents sit and watch a video of how marijuana can help people, so they could have the knowledge before judging again,”
She had also once given weed to her mother to sleep and it helped.
Toula Poulopoulos and her personal life

Toula is not married. She said:
“I am the first in my Greek family to leave the house without being married… I was always special,”
She does want to go to Greece. Opening up on this topic, Toula said:
“I would love to go to Greece and have my own dispensary… Maybe Mykonos or another island. I can picture it: ‘Toula’s Weed Talk.’”
Source: Greek Reporter USA