Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey continues with war of words against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg! He pokes fun at Facebook’s new corporate logo!
Facebook has recently changed its corporate logo. They have made it into an all-caps design. But Twitter heads were not impressed.
The CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey poked fun at Facebook’s new branding. This is the latest in the nasty public comments of Jack against Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
Jack Dorsey and his recent public swipe on Facebook
Jack Dorsey has for some time now been at a war of words with Facebook and its CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Now when Facebook changed its corporate logo, it did not find a fan in its rival firm, Twitter.
The CEO of Twitter Jack Dorsey was not impressed. Jack posted a nasty comment on this change and mocked it. He posted:
“Twitter from TWITTER.”

Facebook and its corporate logo change
The Facebook logo has long been the stylized blue f in lowercase. But this has now changed to a simple minimalist rendering of the Facebook name. It is a color-changing name in a simple font.

This alteration is to separate the wider corporation and its subsidiaries like WhatsApp and Instagram from Facebook social media. The company issued a statement that said:
“People should know which companies make the products they use. Our main services include the Facebook app, Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus, Workplace, Portal and Calibra. These apps and technologies have shared infrastructure for years and the teams behind them frequently work together. Over the coming weeks, we will start using the new brand within our products and marketing materials, including a new company website.”
Facebook and its stand on political ads

Facebook is not in favor of blocking political ads on its page. It justifies that this would go against its promotion of free speech. Mark had also said:
“It is not right for private companies to censor politicians and the news.”
Twitter has decided to block all political ads on its page. Jack had taunted Mark’s stand and said:
“We’ll share the final policy by 11/15, including a few exceptions (ads in support of voter registration will still be allowed, for instance). We’ll start enforcing our new policy on 11/22 to provide current advertisers a notice period before this change goes into effect.”
He added:
“A final note. This isn’t about free expression. This is about paying for reach. And paying to increase the reach of political speech has significant ramifications that today’s democratic infrastructure may not be prepared to handle. It’s worth stepping back in order to address.”

Earlier, Jack was asked whether he would join Facebook’s cryptocurrency project, called Libra. His answer was:
“Hell no.”
Short bio on Jack Dorsey
Jack Dorsey is an American internet entrepreneur, businessman, and computer programmer most famous as the co-founder and CEO of Twitter. He is also the founder of a mobile payment company ‘Square’. He is one of the most successful entrepreneurs of this generation. More Bio…
Source: CNBC