What is love brain? Know all about this disorder in romantic relationships!
A Chinese girl in a romantic relationship was diagnosed to be suffering from Love Brain. The girl in question, Xiaoyu, 18 from China was so obsessed of her boyfriend and completely dependent on him for support that she once called him 100 times in a day. What does the diagnosis imply?
The story of Xiaoyu
Xiaoyu is an 18-year-old girl from China. She was studying at University and had a boyfriend. There was mutual love between the two. However, Xiaoyu’s love was of the obsessive nature. She was extremely dependent on her boyfriend and could not stay away from him. He was always on her mind. And her craze and mad love for her boyfriend started showing up in an abnormal way.
Xiaoyu demonstrated odd behavior that began when she was in the first year of University studies. She was obsessed of him and started demanding constant details of his whereabouts. She wanted to remain in constant touch with him via phone.

Xiaoyu used to constantly call him up and once, she called him more than 100 times in a day. But her boyfriend decided to not answer her calls. This further aggravated her problem.
Xiaoyu’s boyfriend was stressed and her behavior negatively affected and strained the relationship. Her boyfriend was feeling suffocated in the relationship. But since, he loved her, he also wanted to correct her abnormal behavior.
Xiaoyu started throwing household objects
When Xiaoyu’s boyfriend did not answer her calls, she got upset. In a rage, she started throwing household objects. On learning of her erratic and abnormal behavior, her boyfriend contacted the police since he was worried for her safety.
In the meantime, Xiaoyu had already climbed on the railing of the balcony and was threatening to jump off it. Luckily, the police reached the spot. They pacified her and brought her down. Later, they took her to the hospital for evaluation of her mental condition and for psychological checkup.

The doctors diagnosed her to be suffering from borderline personality disorder. The Chinese press, colloquially, used the term Love brain on her. What is Love Brain?
What is Love Brain?
Love Brain is a colloquial term that is used to describe an obsessive behavior in romantic relationships. This term is used when one of the partners in a relationship does not want to let go of the other and demands constant attention. The ill partner may want to know the minutest details of the other partner and may be even suspicious of his or her movements.
This provision of all details and constant communication is impractical in the modern busy world of today especially in urban setups. The healthy partner starts feeling stifled and may opt out of the relationship. This decision of the healthy partner may, in fact, worsen the condition of the ill partner.

This illness may be associated with personality disorders and there may be co-existent anxiety, depression or bipolar disorder. Dr Du Na who treated Xiaoyu added that the most common reason for such an obsessive behavior in love could be unhealthy childhood attachments. There is a probability that Xiaoyu did not have a healthy relationship with her parents during her childhood days.
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Since Xiaoyu’s illness was of the serious nature, she required medical intervention and psychological counseling and support for improvement of her condition.